To lose weight, it is better to reduce the sugar as fat


Diet "low carb" low carb would be more beneficial than a low fat diet to lose weight.

You lose weight faster sulking sugars on our plate than fat. In the war at loggerheads opposing nutritionists advocates "fat stop" and proponents of "stop sugar ', a new study provides an additional weapon in the past. Funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, the new research highlights the benefits of a low carbohydrate diet (low carb) diet faster than a low fat diet.

The demonstration was conducted over a period of twelve months from 148 obese men and women 20 to 70 years without diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One group consumed only 30% of their daily caloric intake of carbohydrates, another 30% of its calories in fat. The poor carbohydrate group ate foods rich in protein such as eggs, tuna, red meat, chicken or tofu in addition to vegetables. Poor fat group ate more particularly of cereals and vegetables.

All ate the same caloric intake and practiced the same frequency of physical activity. After a year, the poorest group in carbohydrates lost 3.6 pounds heavier compared to the group that has limited fat. The low-carb group also presented better cardiovascular outcomes and the level of cholesterol (more than good) cholesterol.

The researchers suggest that the group "low carb" was more satisfied than the other group by introducing more fiber (good natural carbohydrates found in whole grains, such as rice and lentils as well as vegetables and fruits) in their diet.

Several studies have shown that diets depleted in sugar and place great emphasis on good fats (fatty fish rich in omega-3 oil, canola oil, nuts, olive) are more effective and can prevent the yo -yo.

6 Tips to lose weight without thinking

lose weight

6 tricks that can change the way you eat and you will lose weight without even thinking about it!

Drink a glass of water 

Before each meal, drink a glass of water or eat natural appetite suppressant.

Eat slowly 

Dr. Raphael Blairvacq insists: "It is important to eat slowly and savor every bite takes about fifteen minutes for the signals sent from the stomach to the brain trigger satiety more you eat slowly, less.. you have consumed food when this feeling will appear. "

Choose foods that stall 

But that does not weigh too heavy. Soups, salads ... They are eaten before the meal to have less hunger.

Once but not two 

Never take twice a dish. Without use huge portions. Learn how to gradually reduce the amount consumed insists Dr. Raphael Balirvacq.

Never do anything else while eating 

To be satisfied, it is necessary to focus on what we do. Put yourself at the table, turn off the TV, and eat slowly, bite by bite taking pleasure.

Eat in smaller plates 

To reduce without realizing the amount of food consumed, there is a very simple way: eating in smaller plates.



Too many people needlessly live with daily pain. They put off the search for a treatment that would relieve a nagging pain or effects of an injury or because they refuse to admit that something is not going either because they relegate their own needs in the background, after those of their family or their friends.

In many cases, a patient can do without a visit to their GP or to a specialist if it is "listening" to your body and if it is at the first sign of stiffness or joint pain. Sometimes just a few simple exercises to prevent slight tightness from becoming a more serious problem. Until the last moment is dangerous because not only the pain eventually dictate lifestyle (by limiting the duration of working time, the ability to garden, etc.), but the injury and inflammation are likely to increase: then it becomes much more difficult to reverse the process. On the other hand, a failure of a part of the body can affect the entire body. If left untreated, hip pain may spread to the lower back: it will tend to stay with the torso leaning forward to try to manage this discomfort in the lumbar region, where the constraints imposed on his knees as the body tries to adapt by transfer of weight. Lack of exercise that entails as well as changes in lifestyle can have adverse side effects such as cardiovascular problems (hypertension, among others), and even make the bed of a depression.

Even in the absence of musculoskeletal conditions, it is good to maintain flexibility and stretching practice preventive: they stimulate blood flow to the muscles, eliminate waste (including toxins) and improve the both cardiovascular health and condition of the joints.

Here, we guide you in exploring one of the most problematic areas of the body, including the knees, and we present three exercises that will equip them for the various ills which are subject these joints. Individuals whose work requires long periods in a kneeling position (gardeners, plumbers, priests, etc.) may suffer in terms of problems in these joints due to damage to the "fat pad" that protects them normally. However, most knee pain is the result of a muscle imbalance. The head is mounted in a groove and if it has been dropped, or if we run a lot, it can dislocate slightly, causing greater tension in the muscles on one side of the knee or any part of leg.

With trauma of the foot or leg, knees may be forced to compensate by providing greater workload, creating new muscle imbalance. When a person stops usually active, a shot of exercise, muscles can stiffen. A hip pain usually causes knee pain because these joints are highly stressed when traveling. When one has a bad knee, there is a natural tendency to hold it in position and bent slightly tilt the weight on the opposite leg: this causes muscle shortening, this is to say that the joint sees his range of motion decreased, resulting in a steepening of the stiffness and discomfort.

For the joint to function as it should, it is essential to focus on lengthening by stretching the muscle structures that support the knee and act on it. These muscles are the calf (which is the bending), hamstring (back of thigh) and quadriceps (front of thigh). M & F

Three stretching exercises 

Hold each stretching between 10 and 15 seconds. to five times for each leg.


Standing, place your hands against a wall at about shoulder height. Stretch your right leg behind you, knee slightly bent and place the tip of the back foot on the ground: as you get off the heel and move the pelvis forward, bending the left knee, you will feel the stretch on entire length of the calf.

2 - STRETCHING hamstring 

Standing, place one heel on a support (a chair, a stack of phone books, etc., the height will depend on what is comfortable against your waist). The back and front leg should be straight. To keep your balance, grab a table, a chair, a stair railing (or other media) and, without forcing, point the toes toward the nose and tilt the torso slightly forward. You will feel the stretch in the back of the thigh and a little behind the knee. If you find that you lean back, is that the support is too high.


Standing, make your balance by leaning with one hand against a wall or a chair, then bend your back leg behind you. Enter the foot and turn it up slowly until the heel is as close to the buttocks as possible. You will feel the stretch on the front of the thigh.

16 surprising lessons from my first ultra-marathon of 50 miles


Saturday I did what I thought could not do!

I ran an ultra-marathon of 50 miles (about 80 km).

Now I'm certainly not the first to run this kind of race - with thousands of other runners, stronger, better, did. I'm not even one of the fastest to run this kind of race - I was so slow that I just met the official time limit.

So I have no special merit from running this race. If I were to take the credit, it would be mainly my friend Scott Dinsmore, who encouraged me to run and then played a major role in the fact that I reached the finish line.

But I am proud to have run the 50 miles. Because it showed me that my limits were not what I thought they were. And it was a way for me to teach the same thing to my children vis-à-vis themselves, in my example.

There is much to say about the race, which began at 5 am in clear and very cold conditions, and continued for nearly 14 hours in good weather (although free) uphill and downhill endless hills wonderful Marin Headlands. Seriously, this is a very beautiful area and you should go for a ride on a hike if you go through the Bay Area.

But instead of boring you to undergo the summary of my race, I will share some lessons I've learned along the way.

Lessons from my ultra-marathon 

Here are some things I learned:

1 - This was much, much harder than I had anticipated. I mean, I knew it would be really difficult. But it was much more difficult than that. I was clearly under-trained, because I took a month off to travel in Europe and China, but I thought I could do it based on the fact that I had already run a 26 miles, a 19 miles, 17 miles and a month before the race. I was right, I could go all the way with this training, but it was far from ideal.

2 - Running with a partner did everything. Scott was the ideal partner race - party fun, he enjoyed the view and experience as much as me. He was relentlessly positive and excited, even when things got tough and I was struggling and I wanted to stop. He did not let me stop. I owe him a lot.

3 - 30 miles of pounding, it wears toes. My right big toe kept settle in front of my shoe on the downhills (maybe the shoe was not perfectly true to size?), Which is very inconvenient for the first 30 miles. Then it started to really hurt. The raids have become torture. I continued, but several times I had to stop to walk. Scott would certainly have finished several hours earlier had it not been my trottinements cowards in some runs.

4 - There are a lot of hills in the Northface Endurance Challenge. I knew there would be lots of hills - we had not run a lot of time on these roads and it was not a problem in practice. However, the whole race was either uphill or downhill. It was endless. If I had to go back and do it again, I would do a lot more training hills. More than half of my race of 26 miles, for example, was on the flat ... I should have up and down Twin Peaks again and again.

5 - See my family at mile 44 really motivated me. Because of the pain in my toe in the hills, I really had the urge to stop somewhere around the 40th mile. But I knew that Eva and the kids expect me to supply the mile 44, so I continued. When I saw them, they took me in their arms, and I told them I would do my best to reach the finish line before the time limit. Scott and I have really grown in the last 6 miles, to the point that I felt like we did the last 4-5 miles sprinting (it was not, we were probably 12-15 km / h). My family has made a huge difference for me and really strengthened my resolve.

6 - Junk food does not agree with me for those long races. I generally do not eat crisps and sweets, but I told myself that my body would need energy so I ate everything that seemed suitable. But as much of my blood going to the muscles for the race and in the lungs and the heart, digestion more difficult. So I had stomach problems (without going into details) throughout the race. In the second half I decided to draw the calories in liquid and gels rather than solid food.

7 - It is important to smell the roses. I was running a race, but the race was not that of the race. She passed by paths breathtaking, and focus on the fact of reaching the finish line would miss the race. I tried to pay attention to the beauty of the race and the people around me, even towards the end when I was wrong.

8 - There are some truly inspiring people in these races. One guy was planning to run a marathon afterwards, the day after our 50 miles. A woman in her fifties was on his 6th or 7th ultra-marathon. Some people who do not look like athletes were great with us, aware of an equally determined that those who were in great shape. People from 50 to 60 were far ahead. It really shows how your fellow humans can be determined, and this forces to humility.

9 - Pacemakers are super helpful. Friends of Scott, Ryan and Mike (my friends now), shared the latest about 23 miles and ran with us, talked and joked with us, encouraged us, and basically we were not allowed to slow down to the point scampering. I doubt that we could finish before the deadline if they were not there. They were perfect for us cardiac pacemakers, and I owe them a lot.

10 - You feel really good when you start an ultra. Scott and I were really excited by crossing the start line and ran the first miles. It was exhilarating. Your body feels good because you are sharpened after weeks of hard training. You are surrounded by people who prey on the extreme difficulty, and who are also very excited. I have not stopped to look around me and say "What a day! "

11 - This is an absolutely amazing feeling to cross the finish line. I suffered for 20 miles (the first 30 was pretty easy) but approaching the finish line, I forgot all about it and I wanted to shout my joy in the world. When I crossed the line, I raised my arms victoriously, because it was a deep personal victory. I took Scott into my arms. I loved life.

12 - It is very tempting to give in to cravings. Being really tired means that your mental discipline is low. At the same time, the little kid in you wants to give up, go home jump him in a hot bath and in bed, and stop suffering. This is normal. And it is very tempting to listen to this child, these cravings to stop. I watched these cravings, felt their power, and I left without it. It was a continuous process of letting go.

13 - Resisting the pain is worse. When my toe was killing me on the downhills, and my shins, my knees and my quads ached, I noticed that my whole body tensed, anticipating the pain of each step. When I allowed myself to relax, to relieve the pain, I was actually helped me feel better. It was no longer as bad. It was worse in anticipating and straining. Relax, let go, relax.

14 - You are so bad that you can barely walk the next day. At least that was my case. I knew I had to take an ice bath when I get home, to reduce swelling, fatigue and inflammation, but I was so cold because of the race I was shaking, so I 'I skipped the ice bath. I used ice packs to my feet and ankles. But I was incredibly tired and I struggled to do anything the next day, and it was almost as hard the next day. I also had a problem with swelling in the foot (edema) for about 3 days. Argh. It has slowly improved, but I think I'm just too shot my legs and feet.

15 - A vegan lunch the next day epic is so good. Oh damn. Eva and I took the kids to Herbivore the next morning, and I ate like never before. I made pancakes with blueberry, roasted potatoes, vegan sausage, sautéed tofu pesto, coffee, green juice, cornbread and blueberry, a little mocha milkshake, and fries with chili cheese sauce ... the best meal of my life. I was starving. And vegan food for breakfast is what there is of better.

16 - You have more in you than you think. I knew it would be difficult, one of the hardest of my life event ... but I had greatly underestimated, and there were times when I felt desperate and me not up to the task. Each time I was able to continue. I always had a little more in me than I thought. And this happened repeatedly, meaning that there is in me a huge reserve of determination and guts that I did not realize presence. We all do this, not just me. We just do not know until we were testing. If there is one thing I've learned in this race is that all of us, each of us should make us simply test to discover the true self that lies within each of us. 

16 ways to triple your productivity in the bodybuilding and fitness


You do not want to spend long hours at the gym, but you want to get stronger, thinner, more flexible and have just looked in shape. Well, it is possible that you did not get the most out of your time spent playing sports.

You can make a super efficient 30-minute session, and make only a few sessions a week, if you maximize your productivity. 

Disclaimer: First, I am not a certified trainer. These are tricks that I have read elsewhere that have worked well for me. Then you should always get your doctor's approval for any new workout plan. This particular plan is very intense, so if you have heart problems or other health problems that might interfere with heavy exercises, you should definitely restrain you and do not tempt fate as you will not check your physical possibilities with a doctor.

And even if you have checked with your doctor, or even if you did not bother to do so, it is always important to start a sports program slowly, until your body has had a chance to adjust, or you will face exhaustion or injury.

Do not dive immediately into the program - it's designed for people who already have meetings but want to do better, faster, and less time to train. Here is how.

1 - Limit your sessions to 30-40 minutes. Although the tendency of some people who really want to get the most out of their sessions is to spend much time at the gym, the truth is that after 30-40 minutes, the benefit is not so great. To last as long, you have to decrease the intensity of work, and it means that you spend too much time practicing. It is better to work at a higher intensity for a smaller period of time.

2 - sessions of high intensity. If you just start exercising, it is best to start slowly. If you run or bike, for example, build your endurance for at least a month before you start something more intense. This means you will want at a pace that allows you to talk easily without losing your breath. However, once you have acquired the basic endurance, increase the intensity to increase the effectiveness of your workout.

3 - Protein. Many people do not get enough attention to get the protein their muscles need to rebuild. If you do not, you will get the minimum of your sessions as cardio workouts and strength requires both proteins to build muscles. I recommend either whey or whey protein is derived from soy.

4 - Water. Be sure to hydrate yourself throughout the day. It takes a few hours for your body to absorb water, so you can not just drink right before the session. Make a habit does to drink regularly throughout the day water.

5 - Carbohydrates. Although diets low in carbohydrates do fury, carbohydrates are the main fuel of the body. If you make intense sessions, you will need carbs, or you will not have enough energy. If you get a mixture, include carbohydrates there, or take a banana is a great source of carbohydrates.

6 - Take your mixture before and after the session. It is best to take a mixture of protein / carbs right before your workout and then just after. Take before increases the flow of amino acids that powers your muscles during training, giving them the fuel they need. After the meeting, the mixture stimulates muscle growth. And take some food with protein and carbohydrates 60-90 minutes after the session.

7 - Lift longer. Many people contract their muscles slowly and then release them quickly. But if you slow down as you go up, you are maximizing every move. Hop on and off for 5 seconds - each.

8 - Heavier weight. When you start, it's best to start with lighter weights so you can stretch your. But once this is done, it is best to raise the heaviest weight you can lift while making a good move. Do not sacrifice the quality of your movement to heavier weights - that is ineffective. But heavier weights, with a properly executed movement, will give better results in a smaller period of time. Heavier weights are not just for those who want to bulk up. It is a common misconception.

9 - A series, a failure. Instead of doing 2-3 sets, as many people do, maximize your effectiveness by doing just one, with heavier weight until you no longer were standing.

10 - Combined Exercises. Instead of isolating your muscles with exercises like biceps curl, you can maximize the time you spend in a session performing exercises that will work multiple muscle groups at once. With just a few exercises you can do your whole body work during a session. Another benefit is that your muscles are working together as they do in the real world. Some compounds are awesome exercises squats or squats, deadlift, pumps, bench press, chin-high bar, dips, etc.

11 - A balanced raised. Instead of doing exercises where you sit or lay against something or are stabilized, it is more efficient to do when you're standing, or leg, or on a gym ball. These types of exercises force you to balance yourself while lifting, which makes work more muscles. This gives you a stronger body and allows you to lift more over time.

12 - Take a cardio exercise you enjoy. It is not fun to do physical exercise if you hate him. And you will not for long. Do something that you find fun - running, walking, swimming, biking, hiking, rowing, etc. After the initial phase where you get used to exercising, you start to love it and to do it regularly.

13 - Mix. Do not stand on the same workout routine for too long, or your body will adjust its stress level and you will not make a productive session. For strength training, change your routine every week. For cardio, it is best to alternate different exercises rather than, for example, to run every time.

14 - Good movements. For strength training especially, and swimming, make movements executed well is very important, but it is also for other types of exercises. If you work your strength, start with lighter weights so you can work your movements. It is better to have a coach or an experienced coach who knows the right moves to help the first month. Never sacrifice the accuracy of your movements to a heavier weight. For swimming, you'll need a monitor to learn the right moves.

15 - Hills. If you run or walk for cardio workout, you'll want to incorporate hills (after a month or two on level ground at a leisurely pace). This will make you stronger and make your limited working time more productive. Take slowly at first, but once you get used to the hills, you can increase your pace.

16 - Circuits. One mistake that people make is to do multiple sets of the same exercise without rest between sets. This does not allow muscles to recover and it's a waste of time and energy. But instead of a series, rest, and then do a second series, it is more efficient to do multiple exercises in a circuit, so you do not may rest between exercises but may rest each muscle group. This will give you a good cardio workout while you do your strength training.

The plan ideal training 

If you consider all these tips, the ideal plan would be to alternate 2-3 days of intense strength with 2-3 days of intense cardio. You can do four days if you do the exercises at high intensity.

Strength training is a high intensity circuit 30-40 minutes without rest or when a minimum between exercises and a short rest between circuits if you make more than one. The circuit should work your entire body, using combined exercises such as squats, pumps, dips, etc., and either standing up or using a gym ball to do your core muscles working. You should use heavier weights, make your moves slowly (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down), and be sure to make the right move for each exercise.

You should have a drink with protein and carbohydrates and drink before and after the session, and some food with protein and carbohydrates to eat 60/90 minutes after the session. Water is also important for all types of exercises.

The high-intensity cardio workout is something you enjoy doing. You do interval workouts at a pace where you can not talk, with short breaks between intervals. Few sessions, you can add hills.

Remember, intensive sessions are not for people just starting. You should build your endurance before the advanced cardio and start lifting light weights, by focusing on the accuracy of your movements.

Health and Wellness


The best supplements for your health and well-being depending on your goals 

Whether your training and diet are both optimized, your health and well-being could be further improved by taking some food supplements!

To boost his energy: 

Green tea extract: Green tea is recommended for its ability to enhance fat burning. This is due to catechins, in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in the tea leaves. This catechin also provides a mild stimulant effect. Furthermore, green tea also contains theanine, an amino acid which provides a calming effect very beneficial for health.

Citrulline malate: The supplement is a combination of the amino acid called citrulline and malic acid (malate). Clinical studies suggest that some individuals taking citrulline malate are less tired and experience an increase in energy production in the body by about 35%.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): coenzyme This promotes the reactions in the body that produce energy. So have sufficient quantities is essential to maintain high energy levels and good health. Japanese researchers have shown that subjects taking 300 mg of CoQ10 per day for eight days experienced sustained energy levels during the years and have had periods of recovery favored.

To build muscle: 

Creatine: The main effect of creatine is to provide quick energy to your muscles during anaerobic exercise as when raised. This helps you to be stronger in the gym. Worried grow with creatine? While only a small percentage of people experiencing this side effect, new forms of creatine provide all the benefits without any bloating.

Beta-Alanine: This amino acid is combined in the muscle cells with the amino acid histidine to form carnosine. Have more carnosine in muscle cells allows them to contract further and helps reduce fatigue. Research suggests that athletes taking beta-alanine can increase their strength and muscle power.

Betaine: Scientifically known to trimethylglycine, betaine is an important amino acid as it is a methyl donor. We'll spare you the lesson here about what biochemistry methyl, but we can tell you that it is very important to stay healthy and help performance. Research suggests that some athletes taking betaine may experience an increase in muscle strength up to 25%.

Taurine: This is another amino acid that serves important functions in the muscles by promoting greater muscle strength and higher endurance. Again, research suggests that the muscles fed taurine contract better than those who do not.

To improve his cardio: 

Carnitine: Carnitine is an element that drives fat into the mitochondria of the human body, where they will be burned as fuel. Several studies lead us to think that carnitine allows the body to burn fat at rest and during exercise. This is not only an ideal component to help reduce body fat, but it also promotes muscular endurance, making it an ally for good health.

Caffeine: When it's hard to get motivated for a little cardio, a dose of caffeine can give you the excitement you need. But the real reason you take a dose of caffeine before training, it is because it increases the amount of fat you will burn and increase your endurance.

Glutamine: This amino acid offers many health benefits ranging from muscle building to improve the immune system. But we suggest you take it before cardio for two main reasons: better endurance and greater fat loss. Glutamine can reduce fatigue and increase endurance by helping to reduce the accumulation of acid levels that build up during exercise.

Rhodiola: This herb is known since ancient Greece. It is considered a stimulant, because it can promote resistance of the body to a set of physical stressors, chemical and biological. Strengthening exercises are physical stress, rhodiola can help your body better adapt. The roseroot brings a lot of health benefits because it also acts as an antioxidant in the body, increases the amount of oxygen carried in the blood to the muscles and promotes better fat burning.

Diet To Gain Muscle Mass

muscle mass

You bataillez tirelessly to gain muscle mass but to no avail? Follow these 10 tips for food back on the path to success. 

You gain muscle mass appears to be wishful thinking: You burn calories too quickly and you remain desperately thin. All the food you swallow immediately negated by your metabolism. Do not give up! Your metabolism is probably super efficient, but that does not mean that gaining muscle mass is impossible. The 10 tips below you will save time and you will avoid common mistakes and stubborn prejudices:

Eat enough: We often hear that we must eat enough protein when you want to gain muscle mass. It is true (see point 3), but the proteins are not everything. You need enough calories, which means you need to eat! And you need to eat more calories than you burn during your workout. Otherwise, you will not gain muscle.

Eat carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the fuel for your efforts during the exercises. Must maintain its level of carbohydrate in the body so that it is never out of fuel. If your carbohydrate level is not enough, your body will draw on reserves of protein for energy production, which will allow you to gain weight.

Eat protein: You can not expect to gain muscle mass without adequate protein supply. One should consume between about two grams of protein per pound of body weight. So a bodybuilder who weigh 100 pounds would need about 200 grams of protein a day. The best way to do this is to start the intake of protein in small portions throughout the day for better absorption and assimilation. (beef, chicken, fish, egg whites ...)

Eat less but more often: If you equate the point 1, you know you need to eat a lot to gain muscle mass. Fix it your goal to eat 6 meals a day. That sounds great, so do the math. If you eat 3000 calories per day, divided into 6 meals, each meal will consist of about 500 calories. 500 calories is not huge. While this may be a constraint, eat smaller more frequent meals and will pay off in the end.

Eat good fats: A classic mistake that aspiring bodybuilders is not eating enough good fats. In general, they do everything to avoid eating. Excluding fats are really important in growth. Good sources of fat are found in salmon, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids, flaxseed oil, and conjugated linoleic acid (found in milk and meat of ruminants: cattle, sheep , goat)

Eat before training: The best thing to eat before a workout is a meal of slow-burning carbohydrates like pasta and rice. The reason is that the slow-burning carbs take longer to turn into glucose, thus keeping the sugar levels in the blood relatively high. This allows your body to have a constant energy allowing you to train longer and harder, which will promote the fact to gain muscle mass

Eat after training: The meal that was just after training should be high in carbohydrates and protein rapid combustion. Ideally, for this is a protein shaker, with a certain amount of sugar. Your body was severely tested during your workout, you must provide the elements that will make it stronger and more solid! Make sure you drink your potion at the end of your workout and let the chatter for after

Drink plenty of water: One of the most overlooked when you want gain muscle mass factor is the consumption of water in adequate quantities. This should be obvious to everyone since water constitutes about 65% of the body in adulthood. If you are dehydrated, your muscle mass is also suffering. Avoid suffer more your metabolism by drinking enough water.
Take the right supplements: Do not hesitate to take dietary supplements. Why? Because it works! The great classics such as protein powders, creatine, glutamine, mixed formulas and multivitamin be adopted.

Relax! The most frequently overlooked factor in bodybuilding is rest. If you do not rest, your muscles so how will they grow? Our bodies need to work, it's what you do during training. But later, the bodies are tired. They need recovery time to grow and be ready for new workouts. So one of the best tips is: Relax. And remember that during the days of rest, we rest! You can not make something else ...


The extra pounds are not inevitable! Follow these solutions to lose weight and discover the power of a good combined with regular training diet 

Losing weight is not easy. Many of us follow good training programs, but at the end of the day, although we felt in better shape, we are not completely satisfied when we look in the mirror. You can focus on building muscle with a lot of good exercises, but what transforms our body into a lean and dynamic figure?

Many people think they have a good diet, but consume countless processed foods that fill grocery stores and prevents weight loss. Processed food products add stress on your body. They make it difficult to burn the last layer of fat (which is most important) ...

So if you're frustrated by your inability to lose weight despite your efforts, go to business and focus on a low-fat diet to regain a slim body and healthy.

Make an important fish in your diet

Fresh fish are your friends in the battle to lose weight. Your preferred choice of fish should be those with low levels of mercury plaice, haddock, herring, mackerel, perch, pollock, salmon, sardines, scallops, shrimp, sole, tilapia and trout. (Mercury consumption causes negative side effects on health)

In this list, salmon, mackerel and trout are your top 3 choices because of their high omega-3 content. If you can not eat fish regularly, find a supplement containing fish oil quality.

Drink tea

It is scientifically proven that tea makes you lose weight, especially green tea, rich in catechins. The tea is healthier than coffee and drink some green tea is a great way to boost your metabolism option. Depending on the method of preparation will affect the content of catechins, have a cup or two each day ... Green tea also provides many antioxidant benefits, which can help to fight against the potential damage from free radicals.

Emphasize healthy fat 

Fat consumption can be good or bad, depending on the type of fat you consume. If you ingurgitez saturated fats, then the Extra Pounds and other negative side effects will emerge. However, a diet high in unsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids is an ideal way to keep fat under control.

It is important to get a good fat ratio of omega-3 and omega-6, ideally, 75% omega-6 and 25% omega-3. It is far from a ratio of 95% / 5% that most people currently obtained. The foods richest in omega-3 fatty acids are: flax oil, soybean oil, canola oil, salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and walnuts . Combine these with the right amount of omega-6 you can get from corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and cottonseed oil for best results.

Find the right amount of carbohydrates

Limit your intake of carbohydrates is important to lose weight, but you do not have to take a radical approach. Put more emphasis on eating lots of protein and foods rich in healthy fats.

The carbs you eat should come from fruits and vegetables. They must represent at least 60% of your total calories in carbohydrates. The rest comes from all-natural slow-digesting sources such as beans, legumes, oats, brown rice and quinoa. All processed carbohydrates should however be avoided.

Add herbs and spices to your diet

Good herbs and spices good can do wonders. These elements give the taste can also promote a lean and toned body. Indeed, they can enhance dishes priori bland but healthy. Ginger and ginseng are two plants that have a long list of health benefits and transform an ordinary meal into a subtle and delicious places in the blink of an eye. There is a world of spices to explore, so feel free to add some dynamism to your diet!

Fitness Muscle


You exercise regularly to gain muscle mass but you do not get results or few? Maybe that food supplements are a good option for you 

Take a brief look at the specialized section of a sporting goods store and you'll see tons of nutritional supplements for the muscle building. Most of these supplements work well for people, but all supplements do not work for all people. Due to the unique nature of our body, some athletes will react differently to some of them. Despite these differences, there are a number of supplements that stands out. Find below five supplements that will help you gain muscle mass effectively.


Creatine is a naturally occurring substance mainly located in skeletal muscle tissue where about 95% of the supply of creatine in the human body can be found. The rest is stored in the rest of the body. This natural metabolite has been reproduced in the form of creatine monohydrate for-food supplements. It is used for the production of cell energy.

The advantages of creatine:
  1. Promotes lean muscle tissue 
  2. Increases muscle cell volume 
  3. Allows faster recovery after training 
  4. Increases glycogen synthesis 
  5. Increases muscle performance high intensity 

Athletes usually prefer creatine during weight training and bodybuilding because of the speed with which muscle mass is built. Similarly, for many it is easy to stop taking creatine because it is produced naturally by the body. When an athlete stops taking the supplement, creatine levels in the body return to normal in 3-4 weeks.

Recommended Dose: 5-10 grams. Take half your daily dose with your pre-workout and the second half with your post-workout meal shaker.

Beta Alanine

It is a nonessential amino natural found in foods that are rich in protein such as poultry acid. Beta Alanine (BA) increases intramuscular carnosine levels.

During a high-intensity exercise, the body builds up a large amount of hydrogen which causes a decrease of our pH (which becomes more acidic). This acidification (lactic acid) can cause severe fatigue, decreased muscle performance and stops the player who can force neural muscular failure. Maintaining increased levels of carnosine by taking supplements GSH levels, a builder is capable of retarding the accumulation of hydrogen and the resulting acid, and delay muscle fatigue and failure.

The benefits of Beta Alanine

  1.   high endurance 
  2.   improved strength 
  3.   reduces fatigue 
  4.   Improved body composition 
  5.   Works synergistically with creatine 
  6.    Improved performance for athletes regardless of the intensity or duration 

Recommended Dosage: 2-3 grams pre-workout is sufficient. If you are at an advanced level, 2-3 extra grams post-workout to help the recovery process.

Whey protein or whey (whey protein) 

Proponents of bodybuilding and bodybuilders can improve performance and gain lean muscle mass by consuming whey protein supplements. Whey protein supplies the body with a high amount of protein and high levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that are easily digested in liquid form.

Whey is usually taken before and after a workout to improve muscle recovery and recovery. If you are on a target gain muscle mass or concerned about the loss of body fat, taking supplements of whey protein during exercise program can accelerate the desired gains. Some of the key benefits of whey proteins:

  1. Digestible 
  2. Ideal for lactose intolerant 
  3. Improves muscle recovery 
  4. Natural appetite suppressant 
  5. Provides the body into amino acids 
  6. Improves metabolism 

Recommended Dosage: Consume 30-40 grams of whey protein at a time. Best used before and after training. It is also a convenient way to obtain the necessary amount of protein when the usual food is not enough. However, do not rely solely on dietary supplements. Although a shaker whey protein is ideal post workout at all other times of the day, do your best to supply you conventionally.

Protein BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids)

Another type of food that those looking to gain muscle mass supplements is familiar with the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA for Branch-Chain Amino Acid). Of the 21 amino acids of the human body, are called three BCAA: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These are the main elements and represents approximately 30% of skeletal muscle in the body.

The body uses BCAA to help muscles recover. As a complement to whey protein, BCAA will lead nutrients to the muscle for better recovery after training tissue. The body will naturally burn BCAA while exercising, so taking a supplement can restore the same nutrients lost during intense exercise. This supplement also reduces pain associated with muscle fatigue and improves metabolic recovery.

BCAAs can help improve endurance by keeping the muscles supplied, which is particularly interesting during long exercises like running (marathon), swimming over long distances, or any other sessions of prolonged training.

Recommended Dosage: 3-5 grams upon waking and 3-5 grams pre and post workout.


Glutamine is touted for its ability to slow the breakdown of muscle tissue during intense exercise and can help improve levels of strength and endurance. Those who consume it will realize they can lift heavier weights for longer periods and more often. Pushing the limits of the human body muscles demand to produce more lean muscle mass to compensate.

Glutamine has also a number of other advantages:

  1. The preservation of muscle tissue allows your body to burn extra fat - your body has more lean, more efficient muscle metabolism. 
  2. Glutamine has been shown to improve immune system in those taking the supplement. When you are in intense training, it imposes constraints not only muscles but also for our entire immune system. 
  3. Glutamine improves growth hormone levels in the body. This is a major attraction for those who want to focus on building muscle, as studies have suggested that only 2 grams of glutamine supplements can increase growth hormone. 
  4. The muscle tissues need nitrogen, and glutamine supplements consist of approximately 20% nitrogen, which are very good for the nitrogen suppliers muscle tissue. 
  5. Recommended dosage: 5 grams upon waking, 5 grams post-workout and 5 grams before bed.

Cardio Training

Cardio Training

Cardio is an integral component of the practice of bodybuilding. Choose the right type of cardio from the following 3 

Many people make their cardio exercises without really knowing the benefits that it brings. But it is a mistake because there are different types of cardio that are tailored for different purposes. If you choose the wrong type of cardio, it may take longer to reach your goals. At worst, it can put you to regress. Let us look closer at the three main methods of cardio and find one that suits you. 

Traditional cardio 

This class includes cardio low intensity and long duration until fiscal years to medium and medium term. This means that your workout takes about 30 minutes to an hour or more. 

This category also includes exercises such as walking (low intensity), cycling, swimming, jogging and other similar activities. Generally, most people are able to hold a conversation when doing traditional cardio. 

You must choose your exercise intensity and duration depending on your level of overall fitness. If you are a beginner, you're overweight, or if you're not in shape, then you might choose something like walking. When your fitness level will increase and you will have to increase the intensity and duration. 

Your body uses fewer calories to this type of exercise at higher intensity exercises. However, when doing cardio low or medium intensity, your body uses oxygen (hence the name "aerobic" activity), which means you burn mostly fat. 

Prefer this type of cardio if your goal is to make the muscle like a bodybuilder 

High intensity cardio 

This is to maintain a high level of intensity throughout your session. However, due to the high intensity, your sessions are relatively short (typically 30 minutes or less). 

You can do the same exercises as you do for traditional cardio, except that you go up in intensity. The most representative examples are running, hiking and rowing. Generally, it is difficult to hold a conversation while doing a high intensity workout. 

If you make a pretty intense workout, your body will burn a lot of calories because it draws on its reserves of glycogen and ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The fact is that your body uses sources other than fat stores to create the energy needed during this workout. 

Cardio split 

There are sessions of varying intensity where you alternate periods at 100% of your capacity, followed by periods of "rest" active where you fall to about 50% of your capacity. 

The length of these intervals spanned, and the type of exercise you do depends on your fitness level. For example, someone who has just started can jog for 15 seconds, then walk for 15 seconds. Meanwhile, someone with a high level of cardio can sprint for 30 seconds and then jog for 15 seconds. This cycle is repeated for 12 to 15 minutes (followed by a recovery period). 

In all cases, you must give yourself thoroughly for the interval 100%. If you make this training session the right way, you should not be able to hold a conversation while exercising. In addition, you should be flushed when finished. 

Because it is a high-intensity activity, energy is drawn mainly in your ATP and your glycogen stores. Moreover, many calories are burned during the workout. As a bonus, studies suggest that the split cardio increases your basal metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after exercise. This means that you will continue to burn calories long after you have finished your workout! 

Prefer these types of high-density cardio if your goal is to make the muscle dynamics to practice another sport (football, tennis, rugby ...)



The Colombian-born Zumba is an activity halfway between fitness and dance, created there over 10 years and now knows a great success. 

A Zumba class consists of chains inspired many dances, latin mostly done at a steady pace. First, the dynamic movements of Zumba actually work your cardio. On the other hand choreography made ​​use of many muscles in your body. Zumba shows up to be a complete discipline, giving a new and modern to traditional fitness exercises dimension.

There are many gyms that offer Zumba classes throughout the country. In addition, to satisfy the fans more and more, the list of sports club offering Zumba classes increases each week. In addition to working your body efficiently, classes are fun and friendly, ideal for release stress or acquaintance.

If you prefer exercising at home, the Wii console, known for its interactive games, offering titles such as "Zumba Fitness II." This video game invites players to follow the movements of a coach who makes a choreography on screen. The more you are faithful to the movement, the more you score.

The side of the DVD, there are many titles and he frequently releases others. It may be noted Zumba kit consisting of a box 4 DVD + 2 Dumbbells, available in French. A buy in store or order online from your local supplier.

On the internet, there will also be dozens of videos by going to a service online video like YouTube or Dailymotion. For this we simply will type "Zumba" in the search engine.

Exercises for waist and hips


An hourglass waiting for you at the end of these exercises to your side abdominal muscles. This will allow you a silhouette thinner 

To refine your size, you need to beef up your side abdominals. Indeed, it is these that will tone your waist and his (re) give a more dynamic appearance. All exercises below meet this objective.

ADBO side for thin waist

Exercise 1: Torsion ground bust 

Position: Lying, hands behind head, take off his head slightly and legs to contract the abdominals.
Movement: As you exhale, twist your head to one side. As you inhale, return to starting position then alternate with a rotation of the head to the other side. It is not necessary to take off the head too at risk of back injury.
Recommended duration: 3-4 sets of 20 rotations of the head in two directions.
legs to the side to slim waist

Exercise 2: Legs on the side

Position: Lying, hands crossed on the floor and faces against the ground, tight, peeled and held at 90 ° to the ground legs.
Movement: As you inhale, lower your legs to the side without moving the pelvis. As you exhale, return to starting position then alternate your legs down on the other side.
Recommended duration: 3-4 sets of 10 downhill leg in two senses.
  Side cladding for thin waist

Exercise 3: Side Sheathing

Position: The body on the side and off the ground, leaning on one elbow, hand on the ground, palms against the floor. The other arm is against the body or raised to heaven.
Movement: No movement. Hold. To complicate the problem, it is possible to raise the leg which is not in abutment against the ground.
Recommended duration: 3-4 sets of 30 seconds.

Exercises for arms and shoulders

Tired of flabby arms and shoulder plates? Follow these 3 fitness exercises for the upper body 

For all these exercises, be sure to choose dumbbells weighing suited to your abilities.

fitness exercises - arms

Exercise 1: Elbow flexion with dumbbells 

Position: Sit on a bench or stool, back straight, arms at your sides with dumbbells in each hand.
Movement: As you inhale, bend your arm up until the dumbbell at your shoulder. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Alternate with the other arm. Remember to keep your back straight.
Recommended duration: 3-4 sets of 15 sunrises each.
fitness exercise: arm 2

Exercise 2: Extension arms with dumbbells 

Position: Still sitting on a bench or stool, back straight, arms bent with dumbbells in each hand.
Movement: As you exhale, try the arm upward to full extension. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Alternate with the other arm. Remember to keep your back straight.
Recommended duration: 3-4 sets of 15 sunrises each.
fitness exercises: arm

Exercise 3: Kick back or triceps extension

Position: A knee leaning on a bench, the other vertical leg right foot on the floor well. Hand side of the bent knee rests on the bench, the other hand holding a dumbbell.
Movement: As you inhale, lift the alter bending the elbow with an arm along the body. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Remember to keep your back straight.
Recommended duration: 3-4 sets of 10 sunrises. Then switch arms.

If you feel you're struggling to keep up, if you grimace, you have trouble keeping your back straight or you make jerky movements, feel free to adjust the duration of the fiscal year. It is better to spare rather than risk injury. Take your time, lengthen the pause between two series, you will gradually improve and you will succeed better next time.



You have just taken a firm resolution to get back to sport? Congratulations. But then, it's been months or years you have not practiced exercise. Where to (re) start? Follow our 5 tips fitness. 

If you go out to a period of inactivity in terms of sport, it is important not to burn the steps and start with a small club. In fact, not going to try to lift weights 10kgs or want to run out of the blue 10km. At best you will lose your motivation at worst you blesseriez!

Walk as much as you can: 

Walking is your best program to start your fitness. You will tell me that you are walking already, of course. Yes, but the goal here is to focus maximum walkability. You take the car to go to the post office around the corner or to get your kids to the neighborhood school? Leave the keys in the drawer and go on foot! You take the elevator to go upstairs? Take the stairs. Start with a floor, then 2, with a little motivation, you'll end up walking the five floors that separate you from your desktop.

Do light workouts: 

Fitness exercises based abdominal sessions or chaining of dumbbells you consider torture? Do not worry, you are at the stage of fitness! Start with simple exercises: For example, practice deflections knee: Stand up straight, then bend your knees keeping your back straight and return to the starting position. A repeat 5 times. Another example is replacing the exercises with dumbbells by a stick.

Practice brisk walking: 

You set fitness by walking rapidepratique point 1 and you do not see other opportunities to walk? The upper level is to increase the speed of your walk, moving from a "normal" to a brisk walk. For this, nothing very complicated, once you get a chance, walk faster! However, if you feel short of breath, do not hesitate to return to normal operation.

Extremely versatile with swimming and cycling: 

Complete sport par excellence, swimming allows you to work your heart rate without making violent movements. Cycling is also a good tool for fitness. it also allows your body to seek in the effort without putting strain.

Run even short periods: 

You're just starting your fitness and you feel able to progress? Skip to Jogging. Again, the goal is not to run the half marathon. Begin by jogging at a moderate pace over short distances. Personally, when I returned to the sport after almost 2 years without exercise, my goal was to run 10 minutes ... and it was not easy the first few days!

Do not forget to treat your diet without reducing sugar intake are the fuel for your body in the effort!

Also be sure to perform a medical examination to verify your ability to return to sport, especially after a long shutdown! Also see your doctor if you feel any pain or difficulty after the beginning of your fitness.

Objective shaping - Working your abs


You want to have a flat stomach this summer? So follow these exercises that your abdominal muscles. 

Today we will see different exercises that will allow you to beef up your lap and so regain a flat stomach: Abs while lying on the side, standing for a flat belly, there's something for all tastes !

abs to belly

In a standing position:

Starting Position: Feet slightly apart from the width of the hips, 2kg medicine ball held over your head, right leg slightly towards the rear.
Movement: Bend your right knee as you move up to your chest and lower the medicine ball at your right hip at the same time. As if you wanted to give to a knee medicine ball, except that it ends up on your hip.
Reps: Series of 10 on each leg.

exercises for flat stomach

Lying on the side:

Starting Position: Lie on floor on your right side, bend your right elbow and rest your forearms on the floor. Raise your body so that it is straight and is based solely on your forearm and your right foot. Left hand on your left hip.
Movement: Gently Lower your right hip to the ground and return to starting position.
Reps: Series of 10 on each side.

Supine scissors for flat stomach

Starting Position: Sit with knees bent and feet on the floor. Arms around the legs.
Movement: Roll on your back and roll forward and contracting your abs. In the same movement, release your hands until you return to a balance on the buttocks, legs straight up. Bend your knees again, grab your legs again, roll on his back again.
Reps: Series 1 minute.

How to flexibility before?


How realizes she? 

The flexibility is achieved before standing start, the right body and arms to stick to the ears.
Gymnast puts her hands in front of him, launching a leg behind him and makes a tense support overthrown.

Thereafter, he arches his back and opens his shoulders until the first foot hits the ground as to reach the bridge position; this is when he gets up instantly in the same movement by passing all his weight on the leg on the ground, the second leg before pointing upward, the gymnast then finds again standing.

For achieving a perfect flexibility, excellent flexibility is required shoulder, the spacing of the legs, which must remain tight, must reach the splits (or almost) with outstretched arms also remain sticking to the ears and head.

Fear of the beam


If you are afraid of the beam and this article is for you !!! 

Some advice for not being afraid of the beam: 

If you are afraid of the beam essaiyer not look down because you dizzy and you will be afraid.
Do not look down the beam always look before you oublirez you are on a beam or otherwise do something else.


For those who have vertigo I know it is not easy but with a lot of practice you will get there.
During a training gym you put the beam on a small beam and once you feel you are no longer afraid to walk on it, you step on another beam slightly larger and you done the same thing just in time for get there on the high beam.
If you do not succeed the first time it's normal, again and again, even if it takes SEVERAL days to get there.

Do not made ​​any gymnast, even the greatest difficulty we got something.

How do the splits


Pass a large gap is not easy if you do not lead to daily.
To accomplish a large gap requires a sustained and regular training.
For a beginner, a large gap perfect can take weeks or even months to master it.

Warming up. 

The warm-up is the basis of splits. It is essential to prepare your muscles. If you do not practice warm-ups before the big gap you have injuries like a torn muscle.
To avoid these painful problems, first you warm up the joints.


For those who consider themselves beginners, get in position and splits down gradually without forcing. Reach your limit without hurting yourself and stay in this position for 1 or 2 minutes. After this exercise still remain big gap and do not waste your limit just now, go down little by little (but do not force it, let you down).

Petite conclusion. 

Do this by preferring spacious grounds and when you're done, repeat your warm to relax the muscles. Above all, do not exceed your limits, it does nothing to risk getting hurt.
Try to do this exercise every day to keep your flexibility even being old and that you will quickly become soft legs.

Water aerobics: 3 courses to sculpt her figure


This summer, no way to bask in the sun! Here is a selection of three new courses to practice in the pool to redraw a dream figure. Intense and effective.

Refine size with aquawork ™

The aquawork strengthens our lap and strengthens our hips. A session of 45 minutes can burn 500 calories and refine our size! 

I need what? A tubing (an elastic series connected by two handles) and large fries foam is needed. But aquatic shoes are advised to avoid irritation underfoot. 

How's it going? Scans at 90 ° elevation, front / rear: Following heating, first leg movements is effected by flotation. Then, both feet on the ground, one side raises alternating legs then alternates rotation and lateral bending. Work on posture, glutes, arms and chest comes regularly

Goodbye Cellulite with aquabodybike ™

Attention intense sport! The aquabodybike refines our thighs to erase our orange peel and drain excess water. This sport, which is played on a bike, burns still 600 calories in 45 minutes! 

I need what? Comfortable jersey or a shorty biker and a pair of water shoes. 

How's it going? First, a warm-up allows us to familiarize ourselves with the positions and pedaling cadences. Then it connects without stopping different sequences that mobilize our legs and glutes: short sprints dancer, intense against the clock, long intervals or "running up and down" (alternating sit-stand at speed). The session ends with a final sprint before a recovery ... well deserved.

I develop my endurance with Aquadynamic ™

The Aquadynamic emphasizes our cardiorespiratory system to improve our endurance, but also to refine our overall body shape and support the destocking of our fat reserves. In 45 minutes, 550 calories are disappearing. 

I need what? No special hardware is required. 

How's it going? First, the heating can prepare all the muscles of the body to stress. Then we alternate sequences in building muscle strength (work the lower and upper body, hips and inner thighs, abs and lower back, but also arm) and sequences of cardio endurance (movements in the water, but also boxing moves, karate and kickboxing that work the lower and upper body). Finally, we get through the cardio-respiratory and muscle relaxants and movements with stretching.

Water aerobics wishes us well

Water aerobics is constantly enriched with new practices. To draw a perfect body, one can also try the aquaboxing, aquabiking the aquastep ... There's something for everyone!

Anyone can get started

Concerned with the idea of ​​playing sports in the water? Fred Lassaunière designer aquatic over Planet Fitness, answered all our questions. 

If I can not swim, can I also practice water aerobics? 

No problem! Indeed, most of the classes are held in small pond with an average depth of about 1.30m: we walk and water to the waist. As for the rare movements made long course, they are usually made with a flotation belt and / or foam chips that can float. In all cases, the coach is trained to rescue if necessary. 

And if I'm afraid of water, I can run too? 

Yes, because, unlike swimming, you never put your head under water during a water aerobics. At first it can be placed near the teacher or near the edge to feel safer. Do not hesitate either to go slower than others in the execution of movements, to give himself time to tame the aquatic environment. And if you're really worried, talk to your teacher. He can then adapt certain exercises or you pay close attention. 

In this case, for which sport is it better that I start? 

That one does not know to swim or that one is afraid of the water, it is best to start with the traditional aerobics. The exercises are often well explained and the pace is slower than aqua. This is an ideal first step in building trust in water. After many students go to more sessions bodied, and often even take swimming lessons!

How abs without hurting your back?


Often derived from male drive, many abdominal exercises are not adapted to women's physiology. Here are 3 good exos to make and remake.

You said a bad back? 

Abs, it is not just about aesthetics history. The lap belt is used to keeping the back, and contain viscera. It contributes to intestinal transit are essential to proper breathing. Abdominal too low can promote bladder weakness, impaired digestion, downhill organ, or back pain. So many reasons not to neglect them.

But the problem is that even when one is motivated to take care of, there is a tendency not to do the right exercises. To avoid the risk of doing more harm than good. Exit the "crunch", the "scissors" and all exos that shorten the muscles: they weaken the pelvic floor, do not strengthen the deep muscles that support the viscera and "pull" on the back too.

Exo 1: The plank

For a total cladding of the midsection 

Lying face down, sit resting on the forearms (hands forward), peak foot on the ground.

Form a straight plank with your body. Make sure your back is straight, legs straight, neck stretched (slightly tuck your chin).

Exhale, tighten the perineum and lower abdomen: hold the position for 10 seconds. Do 10 times.

Exo 2: back up to knees

For tonic thighs and flat stomach 

Put your knees, sitting on his heels, hands behind head.

Straighten you taking off buttocks. Caution without arching! To do this, start the movement by rotating the legs outward and assuming that you have a load on the head that should not be over.

Work slowly to feel the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and transverse (above the pubis). You must have the stomach pulled, stretched back and feel a strong tone throughout the lower part of the abdomen.

Hold a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Exo 3: The 3 in 1 motionless on his back

To tone the abs, glutes and perineum 

Lie on your back, hands behind his head, legs stretched well: cross your ankles and pull tiptoes toward the face, keeping your legs straight.

Try to rotate the thighs outward like to uncross their legs so that the feet are stuck. Do 20 times.

The high step

high step

Stand facing a bench happens to knee height. Place your left foot firmly on the bench and push your body up until your right leg hangs on the bench (like when you go up a step). Go back to your original position. You have just made a movement. Make it 12 to 15 and then repeat with the other leg. 

Your best performance: 6-9 movements. 
Your problem: you have poor endurance. 

The solution: train your muscles to resist fatigue. Get an endurance program. 

Do as many squats as possible on one leg, then rest for 60 seconds. 

For each workout, try to reach your goal with the least possible exercises. For example, if you need five years to make your first workout, try to do it in four years time after. After five weeks, repeat the whole workout. To continue the progress, do exercises with dumbbells in each hand: this will add weight to your legs.

3 exercises to get abs fast


Ah abs ... Everyone dreams of having chocolate bars and to proudly display as soon as possible. But do not dream! Unless you are a true sportsman and to work regularly is not feasible. However, it is quite possible to make beautiful abs in no time. Do these exercises and you will soon find a nice belly. 

Beware of appearances 
There are plethora of miracle methods to build muscles. It is no coincidence if the advertisements in this area abound at all levels. Also, if the ball is not very popular in gyms, it can be a very good accessory.

Below we offer several exercises to do all the parts of your body work. Sale of the legs as well oblique and ribs, everything will pass. This program was developed by Jacqueline Wagner, one of the most popular New York sports coaches.
What to choose?
Whether your ball is vinyl or leather, the important thing is to have one. Make sure the weight is light enough that you can practice all the exercises. On average, 4 pounds is a good weight.

Do these exercises as a circuit that you repeat three times. However regardless of the year in which you start, the key is to get them all. Attention for the double crunch and reverse crunch, your movements should be slow and very controlled.


Starting Position
Lying on your back, tighten your buttocks while bending your knees and keeping your feet on the ground. Bring your hands to your chest slowly and cross your having placed the ball between your knees first.

Exhale as you bring your shoulders up to your knees. Catch the ball with your hands and bring it to your chest as you inhale. Bring your shoulders to the ground to find the initial position by keeping the ball in his hands. Replace the ball between your knees and try again.


Starting Position
Sitting on the floor, back raised and knees bent 90 degrees, your feet are spaced 30 centimeters beings and well on the floor.

Hold the ball close to your chest and rotate your torso to the left and place the ball on the ground on the opposite side to you. Turn to the right, grab the ball and put it behind you. Repeat twelve times then reverse sides and repeat again twelve times.

It is imperative to keep your head on the same line as your torso during movement. Do it as quickly as possible.

Starting Position
Lying on her back, hands at your sides, knees bent 90 degrees and feet on the floor. Place the ball between your knees. Keep your back to the floor throughout the exercise.

Contract your abs and bring your knees up to your chest, then turn them to the left, then bring them to your chest and back to the starting position. Repeat this movement by turning this time to the right. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Abs like nothing you've ever had


You are unable to progress in training? Diagnose the problem to better overcome. 

Your body will not change if your routine does not change. "You have to find new techniques to stimulate your body if you want to move to the next stage," says Mark Philippi, coach and former "Strongest Man in North America." Follow his advice to overcome the three most common obstacles to your progress.

You have reached your limits bench 
Set it by adding weight
Try to manage your bench differently: instead of focusing on the act of lifting the weight, focus on your ability to fall. Load the bar with a weight of 80 to 120% of maximum capacity of 1 rep (eg from 50 to 72 kg if your 1 rep max for is 61 kg) and try to go down 4-5 seconds, putting all the tension on your chest. Get help from your partner to raise the bar as fast as possible and try again. Do 2-3 sets from March to May reps.
Why does it work? Your body can handle more weight than it can raise. By accustoming to bear more weight in downswing, you are helping to adapt to the load will happen to lift futures. In addition, lowering the bar slowly creates a lot of strain on your muscles, working hard to keep it stable. Hence the bonus bigger muscles.

Your legs are underpowered 
Set it by testing the "box squat"
Place a box behind you. Squat down, put the butt on the box so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and go up quickly. Do 1-3 sets from January to March reps. When you gain strength, add weight and elevate the box to increase the tension.
Why does it work? You sit at your momentum cut key, forcing your muscles to work harder to get up. Subsequently, reducing range of motion, you learn to bear heavier loads.

Your program needs to evolve 
Set it by changing the number of reps
The routine "3 sets of 10," it's over. Follow this 6-week program with one of your usual movements.
Why does it work? Your body quickly adapts to a number of reps, but adapt to an exercise it takes longer (which is why you will work the same). By changing the number of reps each week, there will be the benefits of movement and the challenge of change of pace. As a result, you gain strength. Thereby improving you for each exercise, you will gain new muscle.

I attack the home fitness

home fitness

A soft and relaxed belly, soft buttocks, round back, a sluggish, poor posture, or form ... voila raplapla elements motivations for starting a physical activity.

If you are not a snag rooms fitness club or gym, you can totally take a drive to your home if you know how to choose the right equipment and the most appropriate sports equipment.

Some tips for:

A round back

Beef up your back by practicing a specific gym work and joint flexibility of the spine, and Wellbust Wellbust Fitness Ladies, appliances guided loads help develop the posterior musculature and give the impression of a slimmer figure through toning they achieve ..

A flabby belly

If you do not want to go to the gym or to the gym for your abdominal muscles you can use small space-saving fitness devices like the statoflex the ab crunch or invest in a rowing machine just for you.

Soft buttocks

Nothing better than a stepper or elliptical to build muscles buttocks.
Do not hesitate to purchase a treadmill that will seek the leg muscles, hamstrings hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes.

If you like vibration, My 3 Power Plate is for you!

Big thighs and saddlebags

Again the treadmill, stepper and elliptical refine your legs.

Whether you're stressed, victim of a sedentary lifestyle, or you want to reshape your body ... physical activity should allow you to relax and be reconciled to yourself ...

By practicing regular exercise, you can target your weight and you will feel better!

Sport at home is possible and good for health!

So one question is: what will be your next home fitness equipment?