How abs without hurting your back?


Often derived from male drive, many abdominal exercises are not adapted to women's physiology. Here are 3 good exos to make and remake.

You said a bad back? 

Abs, it is not just about aesthetics history. The lap belt is used to keeping the back, and contain viscera. It contributes to intestinal transit are essential to proper breathing. Abdominal too low can promote bladder weakness, impaired digestion, downhill organ, or back pain. So many reasons not to neglect them.

But the problem is that even when one is motivated to take care of, there is a tendency not to do the right exercises. To avoid the risk of doing more harm than good. Exit the "crunch", the "scissors" and all exos that shorten the muscles: they weaken the pelvic floor, do not strengthen the deep muscles that support the viscera and "pull" on the back too.

Exo 1: The plank

For a total cladding of the midsection 

Lying face down, sit resting on the forearms (hands forward), peak foot on the ground.

Form a straight plank with your body. Make sure your back is straight, legs straight, neck stretched (slightly tuck your chin).

Exhale, tighten the perineum and lower abdomen: hold the position for 10 seconds. Do 10 times.

Exo 2: back up to knees

For tonic thighs and flat stomach 

Put your knees, sitting on his heels, hands behind head.

Straighten you taking off buttocks. Caution without arching! To do this, start the movement by rotating the legs outward and assuming that you have a load on the head that should not be over.

Work slowly to feel the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and transverse (above the pubis). You must have the stomach pulled, stretched back and feel a strong tone throughout the lower part of the abdomen.

Hold a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Exo 3: The 3 in 1 motionless on his back

To tone the abs, glutes and perineum 

Lie on your back, hands behind his head, legs stretched well: cross your ankles and pull tiptoes toward the face, keeping your legs straight.

Try to rotate the thighs outward like to uncross their legs so that the feet are stuck. Do 20 times.

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