Abs like nothing you've ever had


You are unable to progress in training? Diagnose the problem to better overcome. 

Your body will not change if your routine does not change. "You have to find new techniques to stimulate your body if you want to move to the next stage," says Mark Philippi, coach and former "Strongest Man in North America." Follow his advice to overcome the three most common obstacles to your progress.

You have reached your limits bench 
Set it by adding weight
Try to manage your bench differently: instead of focusing on the act of lifting the weight, focus on your ability to fall. Load the bar with a weight of 80 to 120% of maximum capacity of 1 rep (eg from 50 to 72 kg if your 1 rep max for is 61 kg) and try to go down 4-5 seconds, putting all the tension on your chest. Get help from your partner to raise the bar as fast as possible and try again. Do 2-3 sets from March to May reps.
Why does it work? Your body can handle more weight than it can raise. By accustoming to bear more weight in downswing, you are helping to adapt to the load will happen to lift futures. In addition, lowering the bar slowly creates a lot of strain on your muscles, working hard to keep it stable. Hence the bonus bigger muscles.

Your legs are underpowered 
Set it by testing the "box squat"
Place a box behind you. Squat down, put the butt on the box so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and go up quickly. Do 1-3 sets from January to March reps. When you gain strength, add weight and elevate the box to increase the tension.
Why does it work? You sit at your momentum cut key, forcing your muscles to work harder to get up. Subsequently, reducing range of motion, you learn to bear heavier loads.

Your program needs to evolve 
Set it by changing the number of reps
The routine "3 sets of 10," it's over. Follow this 6-week program with one of your usual movements.
Why does it work? Your body quickly adapts to a number of reps, but adapt to an exercise it takes longer (which is why you will work the same). By changing the number of reps each week, there will be the benefits of movement and the challenge of change of pace. As a result, you gain strength. Thereby improving you for each exercise, you will gain new muscle.

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