To lose weight, it is better to reduce the sugar as fat


Diet "low carb" low carb would be more beneficial than a low fat diet to lose weight.

You lose weight faster sulking sugars on our plate than fat. In the war at loggerheads opposing nutritionists advocates "fat stop" and proponents of "stop sugar ', a new study provides an additional weapon in the past. Funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, the new research highlights the benefits of a low carbohydrate diet (low carb) diet faster than a low fat diet.

The demonstration was conducted over a period of twelve months from 148 obese men and women 20 to 70 years without diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One group consumed only 30% of their daily caloric intake of carbohydrates, another 30% of its calories in fat. The poor carbohydrate group ate foods rich in protein such as eggs, tuna, red meat, chicken or tofu in addition to vegetables. Poor fat group ate more particularly of cereals and vegetables.

All ate the same caloric intake and practiced the same frequency of physical activity. After a year, the poorest group in carbohydrates lost 3.6 pounds heavier compared to the group that has limited fat. The low-carb group also presented better cardiovascular outcomes and the level of cholesterol (more than good) cholesterol.

The researchers suggest that the group "low carb" was more satisfied than the other group by introducing more fiber (good natural carbohydrates found in whole grains, such as rice and lentils as well as vegetables and fruits) in their diet.

Several studies have shown that diets depleted in sugar and place great emphasis on good fats (fatty fish rich in omega-3 oil, canola oil, nuts, olive) are more effective and can prevent the yo -yo.

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