30 minutes of exercise a day

You are convinced not have time for a workout for 30 minutes late in the day? Well, if you have time to watch Virginia or another daily show, you can do your exercises. "If everyone was half an hour a day, no one would have to spend hours in the gym," says Libby Norris, personal trainer in Toronto.

So we asked a group of experts composed of Libby Norris, Sharon Mann, host of the show with Sharon Mann In Shape, released in Vancouver, Krista Popowych, CEO of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Oval, and Ivy Lim , personal trainer in Toronto, to concoct the perfect workout 30 minute session, including both weight training as cardio. So, put on your shoes, turn on the TV and three, start!

Dumbbells are not mandatory, but it increases the intensity of the exercises as you progress in his training. Therefore, you may want to invest in a pair of dumbbells 1 or 2 pounds, a rubber band and an inflatable exercise ball in order to have a complete home gym. If you do not want to spend dumbbells, use two cans of tomatoes 780 ml ​​or two milk jugs filled with water.

First tranche of the issue: lower body weight
If you are new in coaching, try to repeat each exercise 15 to 20 times, or as much as you are able, in order to increase the number of repetitions as you progress. If you are a little more advanced, do 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

• slot
Spaced feet of the width of your shoulders, take a big step to ensuring that your knee does not exceed your toes. Slowly lower your body to take the position of the slot until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Pause and resume the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times, then do the same with the other leg.

To increase the degree of difficulty, hold a dumbbell in each hand by making your slots or do them more slowly (more slowly you go, the more difficult the exercise will be).

• Squat
You can do this exercise with or without a chair. Standing with feet spaced shoulder width apart, slowly lower buttocks as if you wanted to sit, making sure to keep the torso upright, and by shifting most of your weight on your heels. If you use a chair, you do not sit on it; stop your movement rather than 2 or 3 inches above the seat. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly return. Repeat 15-20 times.

To increase the degree of difficulty, press your lower back on an exercise you have placed between you and the wall ball. Go down the buttocks always keeping the ball between you and the wall, and hold the position as long as possible slowly. Or, try squatting sumo, which is done in the same manner except that your feet should be slightly apart and your toes pointed outward.

• Spikes foot
Standing on steps or a ladder, not rest on the front of your feet, leaving your heels hanging over the edge. Go down the lower than walking until you feel a stretch in the calf heels slowly. Bring heels to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

To increase the degree of difficulty, go down and go up one foot at a time, by shifting your weight on the leg that works.

First commercial break: advanced cardio
Choose one of these exercises and, where possible, do it for the whole period of the commercial break. Otherwise, take a short rest and start as soon as you can.

• Up and down the stairs quickly
• Jump rope (real or imaginary)
• Jogger on site
• Jumps on-off (jumping jacks)

Second tranche of the issue: weight of the upper body
• pump
Stand in front of a wall, at a distance corresponding to a little more than the length of your arms, put your hands on the wall at shoulder height so as to be slightly tilted, but keeping the body upright. Bend elbows to bring your upper body forward until your nose touches the wall. Slowly resume the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

To increase the degree of difficulty, do this exercise on the floor, resting on the knees or, if possible, on the toes to lift the entire weight of your body.

• Bent arms
Take the dumbbells or cans and stand with your feet apart the width of your shoulders, hands at sides, palms facing forward. Slowly bend your arms at the elbows, keeping them against your body until your hands are at shoulder height. Slowly bring your arms to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

To increase the degree of difficulty, use heavier weights.

• Triceps Dip
Sit on the edge of a firm chair (not on a chair or couch) or a coffee table. Put your hands on the seat next to your hips, hold the edge of the chair, fingers facing forward, and slide the buttocks so that they are no longer on the seat. Lower the body down only elbows and reassemble. Keep your elbows close to the body so they just bend backwards and not sideways.

To increase the degree of difficulty, lie on your back and hold the dumbbells in your hands, palms outward, knuckles facing you, hands pitched at an angle of 45 degrees to the side. Get off your hands toward each other and toward your face making sure not to move your elbows until your arms are at 45 degrees. Take a break and then straighten your arms to return to the starting position.

Second commercial break: advanced cardio
Choose a cardio exercises among those presented in First commercial break.

Final installment of the show: trunk and abs
• Plate
Lie on your stomach using an exercise mat if necessary. Put your forearms on the floor in front of you, hands clasped so that they form a triangle with your forearms. Lift yourself to put you on your knees and forearms, making sure that your body is straight and at a slight angle from the knees to the arm, and your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Contract your abdominals and hold the position 20 or 30 seconds.

To increase the degree of difficulty, stand on your toes rather than your knees and hold this position for as long as possible.

• Crunch
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hands on her temples. By using your abs (not your arms), raise your upper body towards the ceiling (rather than your knees). Pause and slowly resume the starting position.

To increase the degree of difficulty, try sit-ups. Make sure your toes are retained by a heavy object, you can concentrate on your abs and slowly bend your body to touch your knees, making sure not to use your arms at the end of the movement. Slowly resume the starting position.

Last commercial break: advanced cardio
Choose a cardio exercises among those presented in First commercial break.

The end credits / fall: Recovery
• Gentle stretching of your choice
If you prefer to do more cardio than weight, reverse the exercises. So, do your cardio between the opening credits and the first commercial break, then your exercise for the lower body throughout the duration of trade. Here's another way to increase the degree of difficulty of the exercise.

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