Get back to running!


Why practice running? 

First, because at the approach of summer, it leaves us a chance to see the first effects on our body shape.

Then because running is the most accessible physical activity: a technique accessible to everyone, moderate effort depending on your level, flexitime and choice of venue; indoors, at home or outdoors.

To do this you simply take your business to sports, good running sneakers and have a good treadmill (unless you run outdoors ...)

Think of useful accessories such as heart rate monitor to help you find the right heart rate according to your level.

Consult your physician on medical cons-indications and start your workout:

To start, alternate trotting and walking briskly for 30 minutes once a week to get your body and eliminate toxins.
Gradually, you get to run for 30 minutes without walking, without being out of breath and without side stitch (which happens when you breathe more than one expires).

Be careful at the beginning, it's ungrateful, but after the first month you'll feel the benefits on your line and your heart rate.

Do not forget to stretch the first 10 minutes to prevent stiffness and contractures. Descontracturer for your muscles after a big effort, think electrostimulation devices that relieve your body.

Drink to eliminate, not just when you do your physical activity, but all day minimum water bottle (1.5 liters of water per day on average).

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