Diet To Gain Muscle Mass

muscle mass

You bataillez tirelessly to gain muscle mass but to no avail? Follow these 10 tips for food back on the path to success. 

You gain muscle mass appears to be wishful thinking: You burn calories too quickly and you remain desperately thin. All the food you swallow immediately negated by your metabolism. Do not give up! Your metabolism is probably super efficient, but that does not mean that gaining muscle mass is impossible. The 10 tips below you will save time and you will avoid common mistakes and stubborn prejudices:

Eat enough: We often hear that we must eat enough protein when you want to gain muscle mass. It is true (see point 3), but the proteins are not everything. You need enough calories, which means you need to eat! And you need to eat more calories than you burn during your workout. Otherwise, you will not gain muscle.

Eat carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the fuel for your efforts during the exercises. Must maintain its level of carbohydrate in the body so that it is never out of fuel. If your carbohydrate level is not enough, your body will draw on reserves of protein for energy production, which will allow you to gain weight.

Eat protein: You can not expect to gain muscle mass without adequate protein supply. One should consume between about two grams of protein per pound of body weight. So a bodybuilder who weigh 100 pounds would need about 200 grams of protein a day. The best way to do this is to start the intake of protein in small portions throughout the day for better absorption and assimilation. (beef, chicken, fish, egg whites ...)

Eat less but more often: If you equate the point 1, you know you need to eat a lot to gain muscle mass. Fix it your goal to eat 6 meals a day. That sounds great, so do the math. If you eat 3000 calories per day, divided into 6 meals, each meal will consist of about 500 calories. 500 calories is not huge. While this may be a constraint, eat smaller more frequent meals and will pay off in the end.

Eat good fats: A classic mistake that aspiring bodybuilders is not eating enough good fats. In general, they do everything to avoid eating. Excluding fats are really important in growth. Good sources of fat are found in salmon, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids, flaxseed oil, and conjugated linoleic acid (found in milk and meat of ruminants: cattle, sheep , goat)

Eat before training: The best thing to eat before a workout is a meal of slow-burning carbohydrates like pasta and rice. The reason is that the slow-burning carbs take longer to turn into glucose, thus keeping the sugar levels in the blood relatively high. This allows your body to have a constant energy allowing you to train longer and harder, which will promote the fact to gain muscle mass

Eat after training: The meal that was just after training should be high in carbohydrates and protein rapid combustion. Ideally, for this is a protein shaker, with a certain amount of sugar. Your body was severely tested during your workout, you must provide the elements that will make it stronger and more solid! Make sure you drink your potion at the end of your workout and let the chatter for after

Drink plenty of water: One of the most overlooked when you want gain muscle mass factor is the consumption of water in adequate quantities. This should be obvious to everyone since water constitutes about 65% of the body in adulthood. If you are dehydrated, your muscle mass is also suffering. Avoid suffer more your metabolism by drinking enough water.
Take the right supplements: Do not hesitate to take dietary supplements. Why? Because it works! The great classics such as protein powders, creatine, glutamine, mixed formulas and multivitamin be adopted.

Relax! The most frequently overlooked factor in bodybuilding is rest. If you do not rest, your muscles so how will they grow? Our bodies need to work, it's what you do during training. But later, the bodies are tired. They need recovery time to grow and be ready for new workouts. So one of the best tips is: Relax. And remember that during the days of rest, we rest! You can not make something else ...

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