To lose weight, it is better to reduce the sugar as fat


Diet "low carb" low carb would be more beneficial than a low fat diet to lose weight.

You lose weight faster sulking sugars on our plate than fat. In the war at loggerheads opposing nutritionists advocates "fat stop" and proponents of "stop sugar ', a new study provides an additional weapon in the past. Funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, the new research highlights the benefits of a low carbohydrate diet (low carb) diet faster than a low fat diet.

The demonstration was conducted over a period of twelve months from 148 obese men and women 20 to 70 years without diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One group consumed only 30% of their daily caloric intake of carbohydrates, another 30% of its calories in fat. The poor carbohydrate group ate foods rich in protein such as eggs, tuna, red meat, chicken or tofu in addition to vegetables. Poor fat group ate more particularly of cereals and vegetables.

All ate the same caloric intake and practiced the same frequency of physical activity. After a year, the poorest group in carbohydrates lost 3.6 pounds heavier compared to the group that has limited fat. The low-carb group also presented better cardiovascular outcomes and the level of cholesterol (more than good) cholesterol.

The researchers suggest that the group "low carb" was more satisfied than the other group by introducing more fiber (good natural carbohydrates found in whole grains, such as rice and lentils as well as vegetables and fruits) in their diet.

Several studies have shown that diets depleted in sugar and place great emphasis on good fats (fatty fish rich in omega-3 oil, canola oil, nuts, olive) are more effective and can prevent the yo -yo.

6 Tips to lose weight without thinking

lose weight

6 tricks that can change the way you eat and you will lose weight without even thinking about it!

Drink a glass of water 

Before each meal, drink a glass of water or eat natural appetite suppressant.

Eat slowly 

Dr. Raphael Blairvacq insists: "It is important to eat slowly and savor every bite takes about fifteen minutes for the signals sent from the stomach to the brain trigger satiety more you eat slowly, less.. you have consumed food when this feeling will appear. "

Choose foods that stall 

But that does not weigh too heavy. Soups, salads ... They are eaten before the meal to have less hunger.

Once but not two 

Never take twice a dish. Without use huge portions. Learn how to gradually reduce the amount consumed insists Dr. Raphael Balirvacq.

Never do anything else while eating 

To be satisfied, it is necessary to focus on what we do. Put yourself at the table, turn off the TV, and eat slowly, bite by bite taking pleasure.

Eat in smaller plates 

To reduce without realizing the amount of food consumed, there is a very simple way: eating in smaller plates.



Too many people needlessly live with daily pain. They put off the search for a treatment that would relieve a nagging pain or effects of an injury or because they refuse to admit that something is not going either because they relegate their own needs in the background, after those of their family or their friends.

In many cases, a patient can do without a visit to their GP or to a specialist if it is "listening" to your body and if it is at the first sign of stiffness or joint pain. Sometimes just a few simple exercises to prevent slight tightness from becoming a more serious problem. Until the last moment is dangerous because not only the pain eventually dictate lifestyle (by limiting the duration of working time, the ability to garden, etc.), but the injury and inflammation are likely to increase: then it becomes much more difficult to reverse the process. On the other hand, a failure of a part of the body can affect the entire body. If left untreated, hip pain may spread to the lower back: it will tend to stay with the torso leaning forward to try to manage this discomfort in the lumbar region, where the constraints imposed on his knees as the body tries to adapt by transfer of weight. Lack of exercise that entails as well as changes in lifestyle can have adverse side effects such as cardiovascular problems (hypertension, among others), and even make the bed of a depression.

Even in the absence of musculoskeletal conditions, it is good to maintain flexibility and stretching practice preventive: they stimulate blood flow to the muscles, eliminate waste (including toxins) and improve the both cardiovascular health and condition of the joints.

Here, we guide you in exploring one of the most problematic areas of the body, including the knees, and we present three exercises that will equip them for the various ills which are subject these joints. Individuals whose work requires long periods in a kneeling position (gardeners, plumbers, priests, etc.) may suffer in terms of problems in these joints due to damage to the "fat pad" that protects them normally. However, most knee pain is the result of a muscle imbalance. The head is mounted in a groove and if it has been dropped, or if we run a lot, it can dislocate slightly, causing greater tension in the muscles on one side of the knee or any part of leg.

With trauma of the foot or leg, knees may be forced to compensate by providing greater workload, creating new muscle imbalance. When a person stops usually active, a shot of exercise, muscles can stiffen. A hip pain usually causes knee pain because these joints are highly stressed when traveling. When one has a bad knee, there is a natural tendency to hold it in position and bent slightly tilt the weight on the opposite leg: this causes muscle shortening, this is to say that the joint sees his range of motion decreased, resulting in a steepening of the stiffness and discomfort.

For the joint to function as it should, it is essential to focus on lengthening by stretching the muscle structures that support the knee and act on it. These muscles are the calf (which is the bending), hamstring (back of thigh) and quadriceps (front of thigh). M & F

Three stretching exercises 

Hold each stretching between 10 and 15 seconds. to five times for each leg.


Standing, place your hands against a wall at about shoulder height. Stretch your right leg behind you, knee slightly bent and place the tip of the back foot on the ground: as you get off the heel and move the pelvis forward, bending the left knee, you will feel the stretch on entire length of the calf.

2 - STRETCHING hamstring 

Standing, place one heel on a support (a chair, a stack of phone books, etc., the height will depend on what is comfortable against your waist). The back and front leg should be straight. To keep your balance, grab a table, a chair, a stair railing (or other media) and, without forcing, point the toes toward the nose and tilt the torso slightly forward. You will feel the stretch in the back of the thigh and a little behind the knee. If you find that you lean back, is that the support is too high.


Standing, make your balance by leaning with one hand against a wall or a chair, then bend your back leg behind you. Enter the foot and turn it up slowly until the heel is as close to the buttocks as possible. You will feel the stretch on the front of the thigh.